SUSAN B. ANTHONY paired with Elizabeth Cady Stanton to form one of the most influential teams in American history. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820. She grew up in a Quaker family and began her life of social reform by speaking out against drunkenness and slavery. Recruited by Stanton, her emphasis changed to women's rights and eventually she focused solely on passage of a Constitutional Amendment giving women the right to vote. Anthony remained single during her life which freed her up to travel widely and work to mobilize people on behalf of the movement. In 1869, Stanton and Anthony founded the National Woman

Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Suffrage Association and together they published a weekly newspaper which set forth their radical ideas. In 1887, the National Women Suffrage Association joined with another suffrage group, the American Woman Suffrage Association, to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Ms. Anthony was president of the NAWSA from 1893-1900. Click here to see a very interesting broadside authored by the NAWSA, circa 1910. Susan B. Anthony did not live to see the consummation of her efforts to win the right to vote for women. She died at her home in Rochester, New York on March 13, 1906 at the age of 86. She showed her strength and optimism until the end. Her final public utterance was, "Failure is impossible." Women finally gained the right to vote with ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution on August 18, 1920.

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