Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin Act (1978)
H.R. 12444 - S. 3036 - P.L. 95-447

United States Public Laws
95th Congress - Second Session
Convening January 19, 1978

An act to ammend the Coinage Act of 1965 to change the size, weight, and design of the one-dollar coin, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled.

Section 1. This Act 31 USC 324b-1 may be cited as the "Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin Act of 1978".

Section 2. Section 101(c)(1) of the Coinage Act of 1965, as ammended (31 U.S.C. 391(c)(1)), is ammended by striking out "1.5000" and inserting in lieu thereof "1.043" and striking out "22.68" and inserting in lieu thereof "8.1".

Section 3. The one-dollar coin authorized by section 101(c) of the Coinage Act of 1965, as ammended by Section 2, shall bear on the obverse side the likeness of Susan B. Anthony, and shall bear on the other side a design which is emblematic of the symbolic eagle of Apollo 11 landing on the moon.

Section 4. Section 203 of the Act of December 31, 1970 (31 U.S.C. 324b), is ammended by striking out "initially" and by inserting "(d)" after "section 101".

Section 5. Until January 1, 1979, the Secretary of the Treasury may continue to mint and issue one-dollar coins authorized under section 101(c)(1) of the Coinage Act 31 USC 391 note of 1965, as such section was in effect immediately prior to the date of enactment of this Act.

Approved October 10, 1978.

President Jimmy Carter's Statement on Signing Into Law
the Bill Authorizing the Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin
October 10th, 1978

"I have signed into law S. 3036, the Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin Act of 1978. This act authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to replace the current dollar coin with the "Anthony dollar," a smaller, more easily handled coin. I am confident this act - and the new dollar - will substantially improve our coinage system as well as cutting Government coin production costs. I am particularly pleased that the new dollar coin will - for the first time in history - bear the image of a great American woman. The life of Susan B. Anthony exemplifies the ideals for which our country stands. The "Anthony dollar" will symbolize for all American women the achievement of their unalienable right to vote. It will be a constant reminder of the continuing struggle for the equality of all Americans."